Strategic Development

Special Initiatives

The YCEA always strives to be ahead of the curve when it comes to strategic development or initiatives which will enhance our local economy. “Projects range from items such as our YoCo Fiber initiative and redevelopment projects, to neighborhood enhancements, tourism and wayfinding improvements.

Main Street Programs

In September 2018, the YCEA and Downtown Inc. announced a strategic affiliation to bring greater prosperity to all of York County, and downtown York. By leveraging the extensive wisdom that Downtown Inc has gained revitalizing Downtown York and apply it to our impactful work in small communities throughout York County like Wrightsville, Fairview, and Spring Grove. The success of the current Main Street Hanover program will be replicated throughout our County with the expertise of DI.


The York county Industrial Development Authority invests in local industrial parks and projects throughout York County that facilitate job creation. Projects of note include creation of three industrial parks, the Yorktowne Hotel historic redevelopment, development and ownership of WellSpan Park, redevelopment and creation of Marketview Arts and redevelopment of the Harley-Davidson West Campus.


RACY works to redevelop blighted industrial sites and to forge innovative strategies for redevelopment projects throughout York County. Projects include Keystone Weaving Mills and Hanover Shoe, and most recently the Codorus Greenway project.


A Land Bank is another tool in the redevelopment toolbox for York County’s 72 municipalities. This Authority was created to help facilitate the conversion of vacant and/or tax delinquent properties and to bring them back into productive use and back onto the tax rolls. Each property or project provides a different economic development opportunity and will have a strategically planned outcome, whether housing, green space, or parking, the outcome will be its own particular highest and best use.


Blight impacts all corners of our County, in our townships, in our boroughs, and in our City. Blight lowers property values, causes for increased fire and police protection costs, undermines community cohesion, and is associated with tax delinquency. The BPRC is a Commissioner appointed committee with county-wide representation which through a legal and procedural process, has the ability to certify or designate a property as blighted.

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