In an effort to familiarize York County voters with candidates on the ballot
this general election, YCEA directed questions to candidates running in contested races. Below are answers provided by Shanna Danielson, the challenger running for State Senator of the 31st Senatorial District in Pennsylvania.
Shanna Danielson, challenger: Candidate for State Senator – 31st District
How would you describe the spirit of the district you are running to represent?
Cumberland and York counties are home to a diverse population that sees the beauty and potential of our region and chose to call it home. This district is full of hard-working people that want representatives who will champion them and their concerns in our state government.
What is a major takeaway from 2020 that you believe will influence policy in the years ahead?
Partisanship has so fractured our government that even in the face of a global health crisis, it seems as though politics got in the way of our response and recovery. I am hopeful that this will lead to a reckoning among lawmakers that this gridlock is preventing us from actually addressing the many challenges we face- many since before COVID-19, but certainly many since the pandemic began.
What sets York County apart from communities across the commonwealth?
York County is the perfect balance of urban and rural, bustling and peaceful. We have arts, culture, natural beauty, and are in close proximity to so many destinations. My family chose to live here for these reasons.
For those small business owners or residents who are concerned about their financial outlook, what is something you would like to work towards to help the economy recover?
We have an opportunity to come out stronger than we were before this pandemic. We can help Pennsylvania workers by raising the minimum wage and guaranteeing all workers the right to earned sick days. We can help our small businesses by reforming our tax structure and instituting combined reporting to close the “Delaware Loophole.” By requiring big business to pay its fair share on profits made in Pennsylvania, we could actually lower the corporate tax rate and generate more revenue to help our Main Streets thrive, instead of Wall Street.
What leisure activity or new hobby have you found yourself doing more of throughout this time of social distancing?
I’ve found myself spending most waking hours working on the campaign, but I do occasionally make time for cross stitching after my son goes to bed and it’s too late to make phone calls!
Click here to view the profile on the Mike Regan, the incumbent running for State Senator of the 31st Senatorial District.
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