Grant Details:

    • Available to businesses only, not non-profit organizations.
    • Grants up to $2,500
    • Applicants will not be asked to upload any documents, just answer the questions on the application, found here.
    • Application open now until November 30 at 4 p.m. Finalists will be announced December 4.
    • Finalists will be required to participate in a virtual Pitch Competition on December 14.
    • Finalists will be required to participate in one training session on “How to Prepare Your Pitch” in advance. Several dates will be offered.
    • Awards will be announced December 18.
    • Questions? View the recording of the virtual Application Info Prep Session that was held on Tuesday, November 17.


    • Businesses that have launched their business within the past 18 months (April 1, 2019)
      • Launch means business started operations in a physical space, or began offering services.
    • Businesses that have not received funding from YoCo Bloom or COVID 19 Grant Programs.
    • Businesses must have a business plan completed at time of application for pitch competition. The YCEA can help connect businesses to resources to complete.
    • Businesses with fewer than 5 FTE employees, and located in York County, including the City of York, are eligible.
    • 25% of awards will be given to businesses owned by Black, Indigenous and People of Color. Persons of Color owned businesses will be given priority consideration.
    • Grants will be available up to $2,500, and require a 10% match by recipients, if selected.